
New time-jackpots on slot machines in Shangri La Tbilisi

Shangri La Tbilisi, one of the most respectable casinos in Georgia, introduces new kind of jackpots in 2018. These are time-jackpots that are issued to the players on special days after 8:00 pm. To get a lucky prize, you only need to play your favorite slots on the specified day and time.

The Georgian division of Shangri La is a part of the famous network run by Michael Boettcher, Storm International. Unexpected jackpots, impressive size of prizes, themed parties with lotteries are an integral part of the casino activities. Players especially appreciate that prizes are given out instantly in the presence of other guests of the establishment.

Shangri La Tbilisi

Shangri La Casino Tbilisi has a wealth of experience in holding entertaining parties with singers, dances, musical bands performances and, of course, breathtaking prizes. The casino guests still recall the legendary Maserati raffle.

The establishment has been operating since 2012 and has an excellent reputation. From the first days of work in Tbilisi, the principles laid down in the work of the first Moscow casino were used. The brand’s mission is to create the most comfortable and safe atmosphere for guests, guarantee an honest and responsible game and offer the necessary additional services: excellent cuisine, drinks, transfer and much more.

Shangri La Tbilisi is located in a picturesque corner of the Georgian capital near the Bridge of Peace. The magnificent detached building embodies the concept of elegant luxury. For decoration of the premises, exclusive decor objects, wooden furniture, custom-made carpets and mirrors were used. For guests there is an author’s restaurant.

For two years, the casino has received the Golden Brand award, which is equivalent to the recognition of this institution as the best in the country. And this is especially valuable, since the best industry experts and real visitors were involved in evaluating the work.

An important indicator of the success of Shangri La, Darren Keane, Chief Executive Officer of the company noted, is an increase in attendance per year by almost 20%. More and more gambling travelers prefer Storm International casinos, and this is the most honest practical indicator. The management team believes that this is the merit of thoughtful management and hospitality towards each visitor that brings fame and good reputation to the brand.

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